Happy Welder's Day! How do professionals work at Hyundai plants in Almaty?
Today, our colleagues celebrate their professional holiday. Welders work at two plants. Hyundai Trans Kazakhstan welds bodies for Hyundai Accent and Hyundai Tucson cars. Hyundai Trans Auto plant welds cabins and bodies for trucks.
The welding shop is a special pride of the entities. Let's have a brief discussion of the Hyundai Trans Kazakhstan plant.
About 50 welders and four panel beaters work here. We weld a car body using equipment manufactured by OBARA (South Korea).
How to become a welder? Before starting body welding operations on their own, a new coming specialist is supervised by a foreman and undergoes training, studies the technological process.
A welder's first steps at the HTK plant begin with assistance in operations involving welding tongs. This helps to study the welding geometry. And only after completing all the stages and passing a kind of ‘exam’, a young welder is admitted to the main job.
After welding, a panel beater takes over. This is a specialist who is engaged in straightening metals and materials. The specialist levels the surface, brings them to the desired geometric dimensions.
Then the body of a future car is subjected to a quality control under the HMC standards. Then it goes to the paint shop.
Usually, they say "Don't look at welding". But today is a special day. Look at welding works in our photo gallery − it's beautiful and safe. And don't forget to congratulate your fellow welders.